Can We Help?
Provides you with an overview of the damages available in a variety of actions, and how to prove them.
New edition This book is a reference guide to criminal law and procedure in Kentucky, plus research aids and other editorial enhancements.
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New edition This work examines information privacy law concerns regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. These Principles are designed to guide the protection of data privacy in various areas and types of law. |
New edition This work contains official and original authored forms and analysis relevant to procedural aspects of practice before Federal national courts. |
New edition This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Texas termination motions, such as summary judgment or dismissal.
New edition This product is a comprehensive guide to depositions, including checklists and other deposition aids.
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New edition Comprehensive coverage of the entire field of common-interest subdivision law, along with forms, practice pointers, comments, tables, index, and cross-references.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This authoritative product covers Washington in limine motions.
New edition This work provides a comprehensive review of the law and procedure encountered in preliminary hearing courtrooms in California. |
New edition KeyRules provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $149.00 |