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New edition This treatise provides guidance for acting as a trustee in Georgia, lays out the full picture of Georgia trust law, and compares and contrasts the prominent laws and trends in other states.
New edition This work discusses Tennessee and other states' decisions regarding comparative fault, includes practice tips, and key Tennessee appellate court decisions.
New edition This handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the subjects, issues, and considerations applicable to international construction arbitration. |
This handbook addresses issues confronting Tennessee construction law practitioners and contains complete, up-to-date statutory law and caselaw. Book $574.00 |
New edition Companion to Environmental Insurance Litigation: Law and Practice. Offers tactical and technical assistance, including forms, arguments, instructions, and work products. Book (Full Set) $3,712.00 |
New edition Provides practical approaches to creating, maintaining, or adopting limited liability company (LLC) status. |
New edition Stay current with important toxic torts developments and review the basics with this second edition.
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New edition Master the art of witness interrogation with this guide to strategies, tactics, and direct- and cross-examination techniques.
New edition This authoritative product covers Washington in limine motions.
New edition Evaluates tax, liability, and organizational issues related to each type of partnership: general, limited, and master limited partnerships, and limited liability companies.