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New Product Offers clear, concise treatment of the registration, regulation, and compliance questions and problems practitioners encounter. |
New edition This handbook analyzes state laws and regulations that prohibit the hiring of noncitizens unauthorized to work in the United States. Book $1,432.00 |
New edition Guide to expanding area of negligence law—from general concepts of comparative negligence to relevant law of each jurisdiction. Two volumes.
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New edition This title gives you a comprehensive review of postjudgment collection tools and suggestions on their use.
New edition This practical, multistate guide to construction accident litigation examines liability and indemnity, discussing their interpretation and application in various jurisdictions.
New edition This reference provides complete coverage of Maine’s domestic relations code and related provisions.
New edition This work contains permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book $1,594.00 |
New edition This comprehensive treatment examines all primary federal civil rights statutes, including how courts have interpreted new civil rights legislation.
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New edition A personal guide through the sweeping changes that have taken place in Texas discovery rules.
New edition This reference offers complete coverage of the Maine Probate Code and related provisions.