Can We Help?
New edition This set deals exclusively with documents and transactions related to employment, agents and independent contractors. |
New edition This authoritative product covers Washington in limine motions.
New Product This work contains statutes and rules of court pertaining to Florida probate, estate taxation, guardianship, and related laws. |
New edition This treatise provides both legal theory and practical guidance on shareholder litigation.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $513.00 |
New edition This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Texas termination motions, such as summary judgment or dismissal.
New Product This product provides comprehensive discussion of each Federal Civil rule, including practical applications, practice tips, limitations, and traps to avoid. |
New edition This new title is a guide to representing injured persons in Major Automobile Injury and Death (MAID) cases, and includes forms.
New edition A complete handbook that covers the dual areas of bankruptcy and taxation.
Book (Full Set)
New Product This title contains the entire Texas Business & Commerce Code, which includes the Texas version of the UCC, the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and many other statutes governing business transactions, all with up-to-date annotations and more. |