Can We Help?
New edition This text is a singular resource for preparing federal jury instructions.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This reference contains the text of Texas consumer-related statutes, regulations, and administrative rules.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Covers the substantive and procedural issues encountered in ownership and management of New York real estate.
New Product This product provides comprehensive discussion of each Federal Civil rule, including practical applications, practice tips, limitations, and traps to avoid. |
New Product This title provides the exact wording of New York civil practice law and rules. |
New Product Brings the statutes and rules relating to Oklahoma family law and procedure together into one convenient source. |
New Product A practical guide for attorneys and non-attorneys, presenting detailed analysis of Ohio's criminal and civil domestic violence statutes. |
New edition This informed resource provides extensive coverage of expert case law, and practical advice on zoning law and land use issues.
New Product Contains detailed analysis, practical guidance, and primary source materials relating to legal, regulatory, and compliance issues for asset management. |
New edition This title covers all aspects of equity practice in Alabama.