Can We Help?
New edition This is a reference for business attorneys who structure entertainment deals, negotiate contracts, or litigate disputes involving the entertainment industry.
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New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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Designed to make your practice easier, this calculator works like a slide rule and can be used to figure out critical pretrial deadlines in Texas. |
New edition Guide for wills, trusts and estate planning, including preparation strategies and practice-tested tips and tactics.
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New edition Details the basic rules of Michigan civil procedure, helping you respond to issues that can arise in court.
New edition Because there is only one "civil action" in Kentucky, this treatise reviews which relief is appropriate.
New edition Designed for in-court use, this work offers fast access to basic principles, plus concise treatment of the law's critical aspects.
New edition This product provides the statutes and regulations that affect the oil and gas industry in a single portable volume. The statutes and regulations are fully annotated with leading case law.
New Product A leading authority on evidence, Justice Mark B. Simons offers insightful guidance on evidence issues litigators will encounter in court. |
New edition This work offers expert coverage of entertainment law, mass communications, and the arts. Includes state-of-the-art forms and detailed guidance for drafting agreements. Book $9,046.00 |