Can We Help?
New edition This book contains the complete text of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended through Public Law 118-274 of the 118th Congress.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This work contains permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book (Full Set) $2,772.00 |
New edition A concise, statute-oriented guide to the issues surrounding workers' compensation today.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This publication contains the permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code. Book (Full Set) $1,386.00 |
New edition This work contains permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book (Full Set) $3,188.00 |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library. Book (Full Set) $428.00 |
New edition This resource covers every phase of the probate and estate management process from the time a death occurs through distribution of an estate’s assets.
New edition This title provides a guide to practicing under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in federal criminal cases.
New edition This work provides a permanent repository of New York statutes passed during the 2015 Legislative Session. Book (Full Set) $1,828.00 |
New edition This title provides business law guidance and forms for 57 countries, along with analysis of business law topics and supranational regulatory frameworks. Book (Full Set) $4,389.00 |