Can We Help?
New edition Stay current with important toxic torts developments and review the basics with this second edition.
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New edition This work contains official and original authored forms and analysis relevant to procedural aspects of practice before Federal national courts. |
ProView Plus Print California Civil Practice Statutes and Rules Annotated (California Desktop Codes)New Product The 4-in-1 “Goldbook” contains California statutes and rules of court relating to civil practice and procedure, as well as research references. |
New edition This treatise provides guidance for acting as a trustee in Georgia, lays out the full picture of Georgia trust law, and compares and contrasts the prominent laws and trends in other states.
New edition This newly revised volume contains comprehensive coverage of motor vehicle law, related forms, and procedural aspects of litigation and trial. Book $1,143.00 |
New edition Prepared by a respected trial consulting firm, Jurywork provides expert advice, research methods, and systematic techniques for handling jury trials.
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New edition Thorough analysis of current environmental issues, statutes, cases, and forms from experienced practitioners.
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New edition Includes Ohio Code sections and Ohio Court Rules applicable to family law, including civil, probate, juvenile, domestic relations, appellate, and evidence rules. |
New edition Informed examination of the pretrial discovery sequence, including advice on strategies, tactics, protective orders, witnesses, and winning the judge's approval.
New edition Three-volume set provides practice guidance on all aspects of constitutional law relating to searches, seizures, arrests, and confessions.
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