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New edition This title covers damage theories used in IP litigation; it provides a comprehensive, clear demonstration of how damage claims are computed.
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $982.00 |
New edition This set analyzes the important features of copyright law, related rights, and moral rights from countries throughout the world.
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New edition This two-volume publication contains the complete text of the California Business and Professions Code.
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New edition A complete handbook that covers the dual areas of bankruptcy and taxation.
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New edition Stay current with important toxic torts developments and review the basics with this second edition.
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New edition This title provides practice guidance for prosecutors, defense counsel, and law enforcement in handling Ohio DUI cases.
New edition This book includes hundreds of forms and specific clauses for many purchasing needs, from construction contracts to international purchasing agreements. Book (Full Set) $1,817.00 |
New edition This authoritative product covers Missouri in limine motions.
New edition Noted authority Jonathan L. Rosner analyzes the elements of preparing witnesses to give clear, persuasive testimony. Book $389.00 |