Can We Help?
New edition This treatise provides summaries and analysis of important California and federal family law decisions published since 1977.
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New edition This work is a resource for appellate practice in Ohio.
New edition Get instruction and explanation of how to defend against all marijuana-related charges and inquiries related to the state of Massachusetts' legalization of marijuana in one convenient text. |
New edition Provides a comprehensive and authoritative single-volume presentation of the Texas Tax Code and selected provisions of the Texas Administrative Code. eBook - ProView $258.00 |
New edition Provides step-by-step guidance to all aspects of modern libel law, First Amendment issues, and libel litigation. Includes checklists and charts.
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New edition This book provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $719.00 |
New edition Provides a reference guide for attorneys, person representatives and trust officers and gives you forms for use in probate matters. |
New edition Kansas Court Rules and Procedure - State provides rules essential to practice before the state courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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