Can We Help?
New Product This pamphlet compiles the primary sources of Indiana laws and rules relating to families. |
New Product This title provides a collection of provisions from the Code of Laws of South Carolina for the practice of criminal law. |
New edition Comprehensive research tool addressing Colorado employment laws, including policies, forms, model jury instructions, and West's Colorado Revised Statutes affecting employment.
New edition This title concentrates on international trade regulation, licensing, and investment law.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This title discusses each section of the BPCIA and how the provisions of the statute and related regulations work in the regulatory and litigation settings.
New edition A guide for navigating through conflicting USCIS and OSC policies and ensuring that employer clients are safe from fines and penalties.
New edition This book provides a complete discussion of the theory and practice of ADR, including preparation strategies and practice-tested tips and tactics.
New edition A compilation of statutes and rules essential to researching and practicing Kentucky family law is provided in this work.
New edition This title provides the complete text of all session laws. Book $1,175.00 |
New Product This pamphlet contains the complete text of the California Business and Professions Code. |