Can We Help?
New edition This is a fast-reading newsletter focusing on the developments and trends that affect bankruptcy law attorneys every day. |
New edition Reference compiled separately from main volume in order to give subscribers ready access to changes and updates. Book $880.00 |
New edition Guide for civil pretrial, including preparation strategies and practice-tested tips and tactics.
Book (Full Set)
New edition These volumes enable you to access critical details of estate and gift tax preparation and filing quickly, efficiently, and accurately.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This title provides commentary and primary source materials on international trade in services and the broad legal framework governing it.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Includes Ohio Code sections and Ohio Court Rules applicable to family law, including civil, probate, juvenile, domestic relations, appellate, and evidence rules. |
New Product This set contains the complete text of the Tennessee Court Rules with annotations, cross-references, and other editorial enhancements. |
New edition Ensure compliance and avoid unnecessary liability by using insightful commentary and the latest hazard disclosure forms and requirements.
New edition Detailed resource providing an integrated approach to jury selection, including the latest social science methods and voir dire techniques.
New edition A guide for navigating through conflicting USCIS and OSC policies and ensuring that employer clients are safe from fines and penalties.