Can We Help?
New edition Addresses issues common to all types of toxic torts cases; focuses on claims of personal injury.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition Articles and developments dealing with a variety of topics pertinent to modern bankruptcy practice. Book $3,672.00 |
New edition Provides techniques, strategies, checklists, and samples for fact-finding in product liability cases. Book $3,842.00 |
New edition Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law provides analysis of the intersection of intellectual property rights and U.S. antitrust law.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book $270.00 |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library. Book $684.00 |
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book $748.00 |
New edition This index contains over 700,000 references directing researchers to the Code of Federal Regulations sections most relevant to their research. Book $2,880.00 |
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book $346.00 |