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New edition This title covers the practice of family law in Arkansas, including divorce, annulment, domestic abuse, guardianship, adoption, and domestic partnerships.
New Product This work provides practitioners expert analysis of the legal and accounting issues associated with exchange transactions under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031. |
New edition This book provides an overview of the various types of intellectual property rights and advice on how to protect these assets. Book $1,822.00 |
New edition This is a compilation of forms for civil transactions in Ohio. Book (Full Set) $2,565.00 |
New edition Convenient, comprehensive resource for locating the latest in workers’ compensation administrative rules.
New edition Provides practical approaches to creating, maintaining, or adopting limited liability company (LLC) status. |
ProView Plus Print California Civil Practice Statutes and Rules Annotated (California Desktop Codes)New Product The 4-in-1 “Goldbook” contains California statutes and rules of court relating to civil practice and procedure, as well as research references. |
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $532.00 |
New edition This title provides you the Ohio code relating to workers' compensation. Book $890.00 |
New edition A tool for analyzing common legal issues that arise in structuring a legal framework for limited liability companies. |