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New Product This text offers you helpful analysis and guidance for effective management of real estate investment trusts. |
New Product Obtain step-by-step guidance for criminal cases in Virginia courts with this resource. |
New Product Single publication containing constitutional provisions, statutes, and rules relating to Arizona criminal law and procedure. |
New Product This product is a portable, quick-reference guide to bankruptcy laws and rules. |
New Product Gives you guidance to handling criminal cases in Virginia, answers common questions, and provides useful strategies. |
New edition Constitutional provisions, statutes, and rules relating to Arizona family law and procedure.
New edition A case-oriented discussion of each stage in a Section 337 proceeding before the United States International Trade Commission.
New edition An essential guide for protecting corporate management clients from liabilities unique to their positions.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Provides step-by-step guidance to all aspects of modern libel law, First Amendment issues, and libel litigation. Includes checklists and charts.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Addresses legal and practical aspects that support executives in formulating and carrying out corporate policy.