Can We Help?
New edition This 3-volume, analytical set provides extensive litigation forms basic to most Colorado civil trial proceedings. Annual updates provided by Stephen Hess. Book (Full Set) $4,926.00 |
New edition This title provides the trial attorney and presiding judge with a clear and concise statement of the federal law of evidence.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This title gives you an overview of critical subject areas that arise in employment law and policy.
This calculator works like a slide rule and can be used to figure out all critical deadlines for discovery-responses, disclosures, posttrial motions, and more. |
New edition This publication covers all aspects of real estate law in Arizona. |
New edition This title helps lawyers and judges handle digital information and helps you become a more intelligent consumer of technical services.
New edition Provides clear, current information about the protection of designs and utility models in more than 160 countries.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This handbook gives you theoretical and practical assistance for working in workers’ compensation matters in Iowa. |
New edition This is a compilation of Indiana statutes and court rules pertaining to evidence with author's commentary.
New edition This work contains essential business transaction forms for your California practice. Book (Full Set) $6,995.00 |