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New edition Transactional forms and alternative clauses that Kentucky practitioners need most. Book (Full Set) $3,693.00 |
New Product This set provides a systematic and comprehensive analysis of contemporary Fourth Amendment issues involving search and seizure. |
New edition This set analyzes the important features of copyright law, related rights, and moral rights from countries throughout the world.
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New edition This work is a complete resource for online legal research.
New edition Noted authority Jonathan L. Rosner analyzes the elements of preparing witnesses to give clear, persuasive testimony. Book $389.00 |
New edition This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Texas termination motions, such as summary judgment or dismissal.
New edition This newsletter features insight, analysis, commentary, and practical advice on the securities issues that you face every day. |
New edition This title provides practice guidance for prosecutors, defense counsel, and law enforcement in handling Ohio DUI cases.
New edition This title provides a concise and current overview of media, advertising, entertainment, and art law in more than 30 countries.
New edition This volume is a comprehensive guide to criminal practice in Kentucky. Book $1,524.00 |