Can We Help?
New edition A case-oriented discussion of each stage in a Section 337 proceeding before the United States International Trade Commission.
This title provides statutory and regulatory requirements for claim drafting and covers many claims, such as chemical compounds, Jepson type, machine, and process claims.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This set provides a concise review of major areas of Michigan civil law. It was reissued in loose-leaf format in 2005. Book (Full Set) $1,942.00 |
New edition A thorough analysis of unfair competition, trademark law, and monopolies.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This product is a comprehensive business law resource that provides an integrated discussion of approximately 40 business law topics. Book (Full Set) $1,564.00 |
An essential guide for protecting corporate management clients from liabilities unique to their positions.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This treatise examines the immigration consequences of criminal activity by noncitizens.
Book (Full Set)
Guide to effectively using crucial summary judgment procedure in civil cases—whether you're the movant or respondent.
New edition This comprehensive deskbook provides a practical reference for excluding prejudicial trial evidence.
New edition Covers state and federal environmental legislation, applicable case law requirements, and practice-oriented insights.
Book (Full Set)