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New edition This book addresses the complex web of statutes, regulations, and policies governing foreign military sales and U.S. export controls. Book $965.00 |
New Product This title provides the exact wording of New York civil practice law and rules. |
New edition This product is an authoritative source for Florida sentencing matters. |
New edition This guide provides you with a start to finish set of forms used in corporate legal work. Book (Full Set) $2,468.00 |
New edition This convenient resource provides comprehensive forms relating to the construction industry, including form explanations and alternative clauses. Book (Full Set) $912.00 |
New edition A compilation of statutes and rules essential to researching and practicing Kentucky family law is provided in this work.
New edition Practical guidance on how to produce a legally viable employee handbook.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Keep current with trends in securities regulation for major industrialized nations and emerging markets.
Book (Full Set)
New Product Brings the statutes and rules relating to Oklahoma family law and procedure together into one convenient source. |
New edition Includes Ohio Code sections and Ohio Court Rules applicable to family law, including civil, probate, juvenile, domestic relations, appellate, and evidence rules. |