Can We Help?
Explains provisions and procedures of each Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), plus interpretive decisions of the courts and boards.
Book (Full Set)
This title offers practical advice on areas such as real estate, business formation and estate planning from a transactional perspective. Book (Full Set) $650.00 |
This Aspatore product provides insight into best practices for identifying, tailoring, and integrating corporate governance policies. Book $110.00 |
This Aspatore product provides an in-depth look at valuations, preferred stock, stock options, and other variables that affect deal structure. Book $70.00 |
Hundreds of forms and specialized checklists are cross-referenced to companion text, Advising Small Businesses. Book (Full Set) $3,456.00 |
Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.
Provides planning tools to advise smaller and emerging companies on compliance with laws regulating securities offerings.
This treatise discusses current U.S. statutes, regulations, and case laws and explores how they apply to international competition, regulation, and litigation.
Book (Full Set)
This 2-volume set examines statutory and case law of debtor—creditor relations in Colorado.
Book (Full Set)
This product provides feedback on the trends in corruption and bribery in Latin America and the governmental response to these issues. Book $25.00 |