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A practical compilation of California civil practice forms arranged in order by related Civil Code section numbers. Book (Full Set) $1,716.00 |
This product provides convenient 8 1/2 x 11 tear-out sheets for the California user. Book (Full Set) $566.00 |
This guide helps you prepare for a successful civil trial in Illinois.
Book (Full Set)
This work covers all of the transactional areas of law for Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)
This multivolume set provides comprehensive, annotated coverage of Colorado civil rules and their practical applications.
Book (Full Set)
Thoroughly discusses the Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to discovery.
Book (Full Set)
Practice-proven forms for every step of civil litigation, from commencement through appeal.
Book (Full Set)
Complete coverage of every Michigan evidentiary rule, including the full text of each provision and expert analysis. Book (Full Set) $762.00 |
Thorough explanation and analysis of the federal rules of procedure governing civil, appellate, and evidentiary matters. Book (Full Set) $12,137.00 |
Contains full text of uniform laws of civil procedure, plus remedial laws with variations adopted in all state jurisdictions. Book (Full Set) $7,888.00 |