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Comprehensive forms, "how to" text, and practice aids, covering procedure in federal courts and major administrative agencies.
Book (Full Set)
This set offers comprehensive coverage of Indiana rules of trial procedure, with annotations and research aids.
Book (Full Set)
This work provides an up-to-date selection of petition forms for use in Missouri civil litigation.
Book (Full Set)
This product identifies and explains all aspects of Louisiana's Code of Civil Procedure.
Book (Full Set)
Essential guidance in the preparation of Michigan civil practice forms, from the inception of a case to its conclusion. Book (Full Set) $8,819.00 |
This book is organized to correspond to the chronological sequence of a lawsuit, complaint through appeals, providing forms and analysis. Book (Full Set) $876.00 |
This work is a newly updated comprehensive guide to civil practice in Florida. Book (Full Set) $17,236.00 |
Extensive explanations on proper procedures involving matters attorneys face every day. Offers practical tips and suggestions.
This title provides ready-to-cite authorities on discovery objections, privileges, and the legal validity of proposed or received discovery inquiries.
This set provides a comprehensive array of forms for use by Georgia practitioners in almost any kind of case, civil or criminal.
Book (Full Set)