Can We Help?
This work provides Arizona practitioners with a basic tool for the conduct of a civil litigation practice.
This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $944.00 |
This volume is a comprehensive guide to criminal practice in Kentucky. Book $1,325.00 |
This calculator works like a slide rule and can be used to figure out all critical deadlines for discovery-responses, disclosures, posttrial motions, and more. |
This reference, repeatedly cited, sets the standard for New York judges’ rulings on important issues of law and trial procedure.
Designed for in-court or outside use, provides access to basic principles, plus concise treatment of the law's critical aspects.
This is a "how-to" manual for the attorney, magistrate, or layperson on bringing an action in magistrate court. eBook - ProView $743.00 |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
Presents the combined effort of judges, lawyers, and law professors, providing a comprehensive treatment of civil procedure in Mississippi litigation.
Book (Full Set)