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Civil Procedure

Extensive explanations on proper procedures involving matters attorneys face every day. Offers practical tips and suggestions.

Book   $1,267.00
ProView eBook   $1,126.00

This title provides ready-to-cite authorities on discovery objections, privileges, and the legal validity of proposed or received discovery inquiries.

Book   $311.00
ProView eBook   $327.00

This set provides a comprehensive array of forms for use by Georgia practitioners in almost any kind of case, civil or criminal.

Book (Full Set)   $11,630.00
ProView eBook   $9,304.00

This set of volumes contains encyclopedic, "A to Z" coverage of Illinois law and practice.

Book (Full Set)   $48,155.00

This multivolume set provides discussion, step-by-step guidance, illustrative examples, and forms for all phases of New York civil and criminal practice.

Book (Full Set)   $69,268.00

Expertly drafted and practice-tested documents for accurate and strategically effective motions, pleas, jury instructions, and other civil and criminal procedures.

Book (Full Set)   $12,740.00

Colorado Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $416.00
ProView eBook   $416.00

Comprehensive set of pleading and practice forms for Arizona attorneys.

Book (Full Set)   $4,362.00

This guide is a thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting civil trials in federal courts.

eBook - ProView $1,444.00

Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $190.00
ProView eBook   $190.00