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Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $56,206.00 |
This 15-volume set is a comprehensive guide to civil practice and procedure in Illinois. Book (Full Set) $11,685.00 |
Authoritative discussion of Rules of Civil Procedure and analysis of relevant cases prepares you for effective trial and appellate practice.
Book (Full Set)
This “how to” book on trial fundamentals focuses on what to say in a jury trial and how to say it. Book $60.00 |
Companion to Florida Practice and Procedure, providing procedural forms using clear, accurate language on disk. |
This companion to The Rutter Group's Civil Procedure Before Trial contains over 250 forms, including motions, declarations, pleadings, and allegations.
This set includes BAJI instructions and new plain language CACI instructions, with conversion tables, research references, use notes, and commentary. Book (Full Set) $600.00 |
This work provides a complete discussion of current rules, including previous versions of the state Rules and the Federal Rules.
New edition Colorado Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition Designed for in-court use, this work offers fast access to basic principles, plus concise treatment of the law's critical aspects.