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Designed to make your practice easier, this calculator works like a slide rule and can be used to figure out critical pretrial deadlines in Texas. |
Contains the full text of Tennessee's Rules of Civil Procedure, plus detailed commentary and interpretation.
Book (Full Set)
This work is a comprehensive guide to civil practice and procedure in Florida. Book (Full Set) $4,352.00 |
Ready reference on the law of sentencing provides guidance in preparing and influencing the direction of the sentencing.
Book (Full Set)
Provides you with a discussion of the rules of service and process in Georgia, including forms.
Book (Full Set)
Provides a quick-reference and overview of Arkansas practice in civil cases.
Book (Full Set)
This up-to-date desk reference is a comprehensive work on civil discovery practice in Illinois.
Book (Full Set)
This case law reporter contains opinions issued by U.S. District Courts, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book $14,985.00 |
A supplement to California Jury Instructions–Civil, this set provides BAJI and CACI forms that are easy to select, customize, and photocopy. Book (Full Set) $566.00 |
This work provides a complete discussion of current rules, including previous versions of the state Rules and the Federal Rules.