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This guide offers a thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting civil or criminal trials in federal courts. Book (Full Set) $1,914.00 |
This case law reporter contains opinions issued by U.S. District Courts, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book $14,985.00 |
Contains substantive and procedural law basic to your Texas practice, including hundreds of timesaving hints regarding common questions.
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This title offers practical advice on areas such as real estate, business formation and estate planning from a transactional perspective. Book (Full Set) $650.00 |
Complete encyclopedic reference. Basic Trial & Proofs, Dollar Verdicts, and Proof of Traumatic Injuries. 11 volumes. Book (Full Set) $4,700.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides the entire body of federal case law, statutes, and regulations. |
Detailed presentation and analysis of the legal and scientific issues involved in litigating drinking/driving cases, including civil liquor liability. Book (Full Set) $5,920.00 |
Accurate answers to your everyday questions about civil and criminal trial proceedings.
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Step-by-step guide to preparing, settling, and trying mass tort cases.
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