Can We Help?
This title offers practical advice on areas such as real estate, business formation and estate planning from a transactional perspective. Book (Full Set) $650.00 |
Accurate answers to your everyday questions about civil and criminal trial proceedings.
Book (Full Set)
This set is a comprehensive resource for attorneys engaged in the general practice of law in Kentucky.
Book (Full Set)
Ready-to-use forms, supplemented with practice commentary, ensure compliance with Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This product contains authoritative, in-depth analysis of relevant law and procedures, plus comprehensive coverage of e-discovery and records management.
Book (Full Set)
Extensive explanations on proper procedures involving matters attorneys face every day. Offers practical tips and suggestions.
Step-by-step guidance through pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases of both criminal and civil drinking/driving cases. Book $256.00 |
Expert analysis and step-by-step guidance help you expedite the drafting process.
Book (Full Set)
This multivolume set provides discussion, step-by-step guidance, illustrative examples, and forms for all phases of New York civil and criminal practice. Book (Full Set) $69,268.00 |
Comprehensive forms, "how to" text, and practice aids, covering procedure in federal courts and major administrative agencies.
Book (Full Set)