Can We Help?
This reference tool allows you always to be in control at trial by providing you with quick guidance on when and how to object. |
FlipLaw is a reference tool developed for both new and experienced attorneys to use during depositions, law and motion, and trial. |
Includes background on Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations and enforcement. Provides step-by-step approach for avoiding or responding to an SEC action.
Book (Full Set)
A clear and comprehensive discussion of Wisconsin’s Rules of Civil Procedure.
Book (Full Set)
Contains full text of uniform laws of civil procedure and remedial laws with variations adopted in all state jurisdictions. Book (Full Set) $3,718.00 |
Encompasses huge collection of forms and analysis; materials prepared exclusively for the Missouri practitioner.
Book (Full Set)
This guide provides extensive coverage of civil trial practice in Washington, including statutes, jury instruction, judgments and appeals.
Book (Full Set)
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides the entire body of federal case law, statutes, and regulations. |
This work covers all of the transactional areas of law for Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)