Can We Help?
A supplement to California Jury Instructions–Civil, this set provides BAJI and CACI forms that are easy to select, customize, and photocopy. Book (Full Set) $566.00 |
This guide offers a thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting civil or criminal trials in federal courts. Book (Full Set) $1,914.00 |
This manual provides paralegals with the civil procedure tools needed to handle their daily assignments in civil litigation practice. Book $218.00 |
Provides you with a guide to handling collection cases, from the start through final collection, with forms, checklists and examples. Book (Full Set) $312.00 |
This comprehensive legal encyclopedia contains textual statements of law alphabetically arranged in more than 400 topics. Book (Full Set) $26,749.00 |
This product provides convenient 8 1/2 x 11 tear-out sheets for the California user. Book $566.00 |
This set is a comprehensive reference source for successful civil trial practice in Indiana.
Book (Full Set)
Covers more than 125 of the most frequently made pretrial, trial, and posttrial motions.
Book (Full Set)
Thoroughly discusses the Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to discovery.
Book (Full Set)
This text is a comprehensive guide to civil trial procedure in Illinois.
Book (Full Set)