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Text of laws neither repealed by, nor incorporated into, the Texas Water Code, that are deemed general and permanent in nature. Book $71.00 |
Contains background on environmental law and science, updates on statutes and regulations, and practical approaches to resolving issues, including litigation strategies.
Book (Full Set)
Complete coverage of Environmental Protection Agency implementing rules and scores of updates. Help clients with enforcement and compliance.
An in-depth discussion of federal and state wetlands laws, regulations, key court decisions, enforcement, and litigation.
A comprehensive overview of RCRA and CERCLA—statutes, regulations, judicial decisions, and strategies—for more effective hazardous waste management.
Book (Full Set)
Discusses major water doctrines, analysis of water allocation law, proprietary water rights, federal water resource regulation, and water resource planning.
New edition This product provides the statutes and regulations that affect the oil and gas industry in a single portable volume. The statutes and regulations are fully annotated with leading case law.
Use this resource to develop a working understanding of every state's regulations for air and water quality, hazardous waste management, and cleanup.
Book (Full Set)
Connecticut Land Use Law and Practice is a practical source on land use problems and litigation for Connecticut attorneys, judges, municipal officers and others involved in the land use process.
Book (Full Set)
This text reviews the federal and state legal and regulatory challenges for power engineering technologies and energy production.
Book (Full Set)