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Extensive analysis of substantive and procedural land use issues, supplemented with useful legal forms. |
Covers key liability and damage theories, identifying and reducing liability exposure, and litigation strategies for toxic tort actions.
Book (Full Set)
This title contains the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. |
This set contains the official Administrative Code relating to the environment and natural resources. |
This set contains the official Administrative Code relating to the environment and natural resources. |
Gain a working knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation and land development laws. Book $3,594.00 |
This collection of checklists covers areas of corporate practice from employee relations to Internet-related issues.
Book (Full Set)
New Product This book covers legal developments surrounding the use of hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale region. Book $79.00 |
This text reviews the federal and state legal and regulatory challenges for power engineering technologies and energy production.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Complete information on the statutes governing California environmental issues, organized under major topical headings in a two-volume publication.
Book (Full Set)