Can We Help?
This resource contains the latest statutory and case law developments, plus trial strategies and issues important to environmental coverage litigation.
Book (Full Set)
In this work, you'll learn plain-English explanations of scientific terms, acronyms, concepts, and methods essential to your briefs, pleadings, and advocacy strategies.
This title contains the complete text of the California Water Code in a portable pamphlet.
This pamphlet contains major environmental law statutes enacted by Congress in its effort to address the problems of pollutants in the air, water, and land.
Book (Full Set)
Extensive analysis of substantive and procedural land use issues, supplemented with useful legal forms. |
Gain a working knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation and land development laws.
This respected text is a resource for NEPA compliance and litigation; environmental reviews, impact statements, and EEU and Canadian assessments; and citizens’ suits.
Designed for use in the office or courtroom, this pamphlet brings together selected provisions of the Texas Constitution and Texas Statutes and Codes that relate to environmental concerns — all in one convenient publication.
Handy resource explains spill reporting rules and regulations at both the state and federal levels.
Book (Full Set)
Ensure compliance and avoid unnecessary liability by using insightful commentary and the latest hazard disclosure forms and requirements.