Can We Help?
The official text of New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (NYCRR) pertaining to environmental conservation, supplemented with case notes. Book (Full Set) $72.24 |
New edition This title contains the complete text of the California Water Code in a portable pamphlet.
Covers health, safety, and environmental regulatory programs affecting the chemical industry and the people exposed to its products and by-products.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Index unifies and cross-references information in all volumes of the Environmental Law Series to simplify research. |
Companion to Environmental Insurance Litigation: Law and Practice. Offers tactical and technical assistance, including forms, arguments, instructions, and work products. Book (Full Set) $3,712.00 |
New edition This work includes all permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book (Full Set) $3,186.00 |
New edition This set assembles sample agreements to help you with your contract drafting needs in all areas of corporate practice. Book (Full Set) $1,452.00 |
New edition This set provides agreements for drafting contracts in all areas of corporate practice. Book $1,452.00 |
New edition Addresses issues common to all types of toxic torts cases; focuses on claims of personal injury.
Book (Full Set)
This pamphlet contains major environmental law statutes enacted by Congress in its effort to address the problems of pollutants in the air, water, and land.
Book (Full Set)