Can We Help?
New edition This reference provides a thorough discussion and analysis of the interplay between bankruptcy and environmental law.
New edition This title contains the complete text of the California Water Code in a portable pamphlet.
Companion to Environmental Insurance Litigation: Law and Practice. Offers tactical and technical assistance, including forms, arguments, instructions, and work products. Book (Full Set) $3,712.00 |
Covers health, safety, and environmental regulatory programs affecting the chemical industry and the people exposed to its products and by-products.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Index unifies and cross-references information in all volumes of the Environmental Law Series to simplify research. |
New edition This set assembles sample agreements to help you with your contract drafting needs in all areas of corporate practice. Book (Full Set) $1,452.00 |
New edition This set provides agreements for drafting contracts in all areas of corporate practice. Book $1,452.00 |
This set contains the official Administrative Code relating to the environment and natural resources. Book $73.35 |
This title contains the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Book $73.35 |
Gain a working knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation and land development laws.