Can We Help?
Issues you face in preparing and filing estate tax returns are covered concisely and completely in this compact desk reference.
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This treatise addresses the relationship between ethics rules, morality, and character; and the regulation of lawyers and legal practice.
This work is an essential guide for lawyers who litigate in New York; it provides in-depth, up-to-the-minute coverage of the rules that govern attorney conduct.
Book (Full Set)
This text covers federal and state laws, focusing on potential liabilities that each professional may encounter with a securities transaction.
Explains the codes and laws dictating ethical responsibilities and legal duties of counsel.
This book contains the latest Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, complete with notes and comments.
D & O Liability Handbook: Law—Sample Documents—Forms, 2024-2025 ed. (Securities Law Handbook Series)Use the legal commentary, statutory provisions, and sample documents and forms found in this handbook to limit director and officer liability.
Written for civil and criminal practitioners, this practice guide provides quick and reliable answers to lawyering and ethical issues commonly facing attorneys in the day-to-day practice of law.
Book (Full Set)
Practice-oriented treatment of professional responsibility answers the ethical questions confronting today’s criminal lawyer.
Book (Full Set)