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Find comprehensive, up-to-date books, legal references, and eBooks covering all aspects of evidence for veteran and new litigators. Standard shipping is always free.
Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $56,206.00 |
The most accurate, up-to-date text of the United States Code, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically Book (Full Set) $31,341.00 |
This comprehensive and practical resource offers in-depth and up-to-date guidance for attorneys trying civil lawsuits in California state court, including analytical approaches to evidence and witness examination.
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Includes the Kansas Rules of Evidence, plus objections and evidentiary foundations so you can check the correct procedure for trial.
Gain support for your evidence questions with this title, which includes quick finding aids and case law citations. Book (Full Set) $455.00 |
Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law. |
A comprehensive resource providing detailed coverage of Texas civil and criminal law, both substantive and procedural. Book (Full Set) $47,375.00 |
Complete text of evidence rules and statutes for New Jersey state and federal courts, plus practice commentary and case citations.
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Provides a fundamental framework for discovery and tactical considerations for the exchange of relevant information and application of discovery rules. Book $910.00 |
Redesigned and revised, this is a case management system useful at all stages of a lawsuit. Book (Full Set) $956.00 |