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Find comprehensive, up-to-date books, legal references, and eBooks covering all aspects of evidence for veteran and new litigators. Standard shipping is always free.

This is a compilation of Indiana statutes and court rules pertaining to evidence with author's commentary.

Book   $1,279.00
ProView eBook   $1,279.00

Authoritative guide provides a complete and detailed analysis of psychological and scientific evidence through all stages of a criminal trial.

Book   $1,894.00
ProView eBook   $1,894.00

Analysis of the rules of evidence as developed under Colorado court rules, statutes, and appellate decisions.

Book (Full Set)   $415.00
ProView eBook   $415.00

Alabama Rules of Court provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book (Full Set)   $269.00
ProView eBook   $354.00

This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Louisiana termination motions such as summary judgment or dismissal.

Book   $742.00
ProView eBook   $742.00

This authoritative product covers Pennsylvania in limine motions.

Book   $822.00
ProView eBook   $822.00

This title provides practical guidance on using and citing the law of privileges in federal proceedings.

Book   $2,216.00
ProView eBook   $2,216.00

A leading authority on evidence, Justice Mark B. Simons offers insightful guidance on evidence issues litigators will encounter in court.

Book   $986.00
ProView eBook   $986.00

New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $265.00
ProView eBook   $265.00

This multivolume set gives you a complete examination of the discovery process for employment and labor law cases.

Book   $3,481.00