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Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
This title gives you quick answers to questions on the duties and powers of guardians and conservators under Georgia law.
Domestic Relations Law (Baldwin’s Ohio Practice) provides comprehensive coverage of domestic relations law in Ohio.
Book (Full Set)
This two-volume publication contains a comprehensive collection of California and federal statutes, rules of court, and regulations relating to juveniles.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This softbound volume provides thorough, reliable guidance so attorneys at any level of experience can serve elderly, minor, and mentally incapacitated clients.
This title provides state and federal provisions affecting family law practice in Pennsylvania, supplemented with expert commentary and case citations.
New edition This title is a collection of provisions from the Code of Laws of South Carolina for the practice of family law. eBook - ProView $627.00 |
New edition This title is designed as an in-court reference tool, offering a quick overview of important topics. Book $704.00 |
This book examines the legal aspects of important family law topics as applied to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.
This set contains a complete collection of transactional forms for the practice of family law. Book (Full Set) $4,840.00 |
Complete practice system for planning, organizing, maintaining, and disposing of interests in family-owned businesses.
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