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Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
More than 50 chapters summarize a full spectrum of property relationships between husbands and wives.
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New edition This title gives you quick answers to questions on the duties and powers of guardians and conservators under Georgia law. |
A practical guide to domestic relations litigation, presenting the steps, options, and considerations for successfully completing a case.
This book is a guide to juvenile law in Ohio.
This treatise completely covers laws of equitable distribution.
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This volume covers Title 23 Pa.C.S.A. Domestic Relations and other Pennsylvania family law topics and court rules. eBook - ProView $720.00 |
New edition This text is both treatise and procedural guide for the New York family law practitioner. eBook - ProView $4,360.00 |
Provides comprehensive analysis of New Jersey family law statutes, rules, leading cases, related Continuing Legal Education materials and cross references.
Book (Full Set)
This volume covers Title 23 Pa.C.S.A. Domestic Relations and other Pennsylvania family law topics and court rules.