Can We Help?
Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
This softbound volume provides thorough, reliable guidance so attorneys at any level of experience can serve elderly, minor, and mentally incapacitated clients.
Provides a system to schedule, document, and complete divorce actions in a time- and cost-saving manner that is practical and up-to-date. |
This treatise gives you the blackletter law using Virginia precedents and trends from other jurisdictions. eBook - ProView $854.00 |
This text is both treatise and procedural guide for the New York family law practitioner. eBook - ProView $4,360.00 |
More than 50 chapters summarize a full spectrum of property relationships between husbands and wives.
Book (Full Set)
A thorough, clear, and concise discussion of procedures and law regarding spouse and child support in New York.
This reference provides complete coverage of Maine’s domestic relations code and related provisions.
These volumes provide current, complete official forms as adopted or revised by the California Judicial Council. Book (Full Set) $1,140.00 |
Gives all the statutes and rules pertaining to probate in one easily-accessible volume.
This overview of New York’s Family Court provides significant decisions, rulings, and legislative actions.
Book (Full Set)