Can We Help?
Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
This essential resource for Texas family-law attorneys contains the Texas Family Code, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, and Texas Rules of Evidence – all with up-to-date case annotations, and much more.
This volume of the Arizona Legal Forms set covers all aspects of domestic relations practice. Book (Full Set) $374.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on assisting members of the armed forces and their spouses with domestic law cases. Book $80.00 |
Provides a system to schedule, document, and complete divorce actions in a time- and cost-saving manner that is practical and up-to-date. |
This set offers in-depth coverage of Illinois family law, as well as useful forms and research aids. eBook - ProView $1,176.00 |
This approach to family practice stimulates creative thinking while helping attorneys provide the highest-quality legal service.
Two-volume comprehensive overview and discussion of law related to domestic violence.
Book (Full Set)
An all-encompassing treatise on domestic violence, integrating caselaw and statutes with scientific and medical information.
This treatise gives you the blackletter law using Virginia precedents and trends from other jurisdictions. eBook - ProView $854.00 |
This reference provides complete coverage of Maine’s domestic relations code and related provisions. eBook - ProView $652.00 |