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Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
This weekly e-newsletter covers the latest opinions of California appellate courts and federal courts that affect California family law. |
This Aspatore legal title is a comprehensive examination of a marital settlement agreement and a joint parenting agreement. Book $95.00 |
These volumes provide current, complete official forms as adopted or revised by the California Judicial Council. Book (Full Set) $1,140.00 |
A practical guide to domestic relations litigation, presenting the steps, options, and considerations for successfully completing a case.
This approach to family practice stimulates creative thinking while helping attorneys provide the highest-quality legal service.
New edition This manual contains guidelines, schedules, statutes, and rules for determining child support obligation amounts. Book $43.00 |
Detailed examination of marital property rights in California, integrating primary law with comprehensive analysis.
This Aspatore legal title provides an insider's perspective on the latest developments and trends affecting family law in foreign countries. Book $85.00 |
A thorough, clear, and concise discussion of procedures and law regarding spouse and child support in New York.
This pamphlet provides a comprehensive and authoritative presentation of the Texas Family Code and related state laws. It includes Texas legislation through the most recent Regular Session of the Legislature.