Can We Help?
Our family law books cover a wide range of topics, including executing and administering divorce, child custody, elder-care proceedings, and more.
Provides a system to schedule, document, and complete divorce actions in a time- and cost-saving manner that is practical and up-to-date. |
This title walks you through the essentials, from the formation of marriage to its dissolution and beyond.
New edition This reference provides complete coverage of Maine’s domestic relations code and related provisions.
Designed for use in the office or courtroom, this pamphlet brings together the complete Texas Family Code in one convenient publication.
Two-volume comprehensive overview and discussion of law related to domestic violence.
Book (Full Set)
Provides comprehensive analysis of New Jersey family law statutes, rules, leading cases, related Continuing Legal Education materials and cross references.
Book (Full Set)
Provides Iowa laws and court rules governing family relationships, and rights of family members in relationship to one another.
This comprehensive resource delivers a concise statement and critical examination of every major substantive subject of California statutory and decisional law.
Book (Full Set)
Contains recent family law headnotes classified to West's exclusive Key Number System. Book $660.00 |
This reference provides complete coverage of Maine’s domestic relations code and related provisions. eBook - ProView $652.00 |