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Full text of Arizona revised statutes in a desktop set. Book (Full Set) $5,160.00 |
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
This work provides practical insight into the problems and challenges of attempting an appeal from any judicial body.
This title provides a comprehensive set of customizable forms to handle clients' commercial and residential real estate needs, covering a wide range of transactions.
This 3-volume, analytical set provides extensive litigation forms basic to most Colorado civil trial proceedings. Annual updates provided by Stephen Hess. Book (Full Set) $4,926.00 |
Methods for discovering, evaluating, preparing, and presenting engineering evidence for litigation.
Book (Full Set)
This authoritative deskbook covers motions in limine in the federal courts.
This volume is an index of the rules and regulations for the official North Carolina Administrative Code. Book $73.35 |
Analyzes alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, such as arbitration, mediation, private judging, dispute review boards, partnering, and others.
Book (Full Set)
Provides valuable insight and expert opinion about the keys to effective verbal and nonverbal communication, from pretrial to closing.