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The most accurate, up-to-date text of Maryland statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $11,563.00 |
This work provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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Federal civil, criminal, and appellate procedure, rules, evidence, jurisdiction, relation of state and federal courts, multidistrict litigation, and other subjects. Book (Full Set) $13,540.00 |
This case law reporter contains opinions issued by Maryland state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $45,657.00 |
New edition Extensive treatise that provides comprehensive coverage of the basic options available for defending against a prima facie case.
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Analyzes alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, such as arbitration, mediation, private judging, dispute review boards, partnering, and others.
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New edition This Pennsylvania set provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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The most accurate, up-to-date text of New Mexico statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $2,844.00 |