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A comprehensive discussion of procedure, techniques, and tactics for practicing in the federal courts of appeals.
Ready-to-use forms, supplemented with practice commentary, ensure compliance with Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure. |
Updates the Cumulative Supplement to the Code and contains more recent annotations from cases and collateral references. |
Provides more than 850 model forms in print, addressing almost every kind of civil proceeding. |
This is a cumulative index of all topics in the Missouri Practice Series. Book $1,619.00 |
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |
Promote your name, your firm, and services with this pocket-sized daily appointment calendar. Personalized, gold-stamped, and includes mailing envelopes. |
These texts cover the rules and statutues of every stage of a civil action in Massachusetts.
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Noted authority Jonathan L. Rosner analyzes the elements of preparing witnesses to give clear, persuasive testimony. Book $389.00 |
This work provides a detailed explanation of the Florida Personal Injury and Wrongful Death areas of law.