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Comprehensive guide to Arizona civil trial practice.
Step-by-step practice guide for trials in New Jersey, includes all court rules and procedures, plus about 50 checklists.
New edition This complete appellate-practitioner resource provides more than 400 easy-to-use forms, annotated rules of appellate procedure, and timetables for the appeal in one portable volume.
Addresses the volume of cases and written opinions that have occurred since the creation of the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
New edition This title contains state rules of court with notes of decisions annotations.
Book (Full Set)
Step-by-step practice guide for trials in New Jersey, includes all court rules and procedures, plus about 50 checklists. |
New edition Contains the full text of all Minnesota statutes and court rules pertaining to family law.
This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $1,073.00 |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
Kansas Court Rules and Procedure - State provides rules essential to practice before the state courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)