Can We Help?
This book contains the latest Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, complete with notes and comments.
This multi-volume set is a comprehensive guide to Kentucky civil, criminal, appellate, and probate practice. Book (Full Set) $3,006.00 |
This volume is a comprehensive guide to civil practice in Kentucky. Book $1,524.00 |
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Guide for wills, trusts and estate planning, including preparation strategies and practice-tested tips and tactics.
Book (Full Set)
Contains the full text of Tennessee's Rules of Civil Procedure, plus detailed commentary and interpretation.
Book (Full Set)
Westlaw Journal Class Action PDF gives you information on recent developments in class action litigation and provides each issue via PDF delivery in lieu of print delivery. |
New edition A thorough, clear, and concise discussion of procedures and law regarding spouse and child support in New York.
Westlaw Journal Asbestos PDFs covers recent developments in asbestos-related personal injury litigation, from pretrial to appellate-level proceedings. |
This resource provides information on the causes of action most frequently filed in Texas, including coverage of elements, remedies, defenses, limitations periods, and related causes of action.