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Ready-to-use forms, supplemented with practice commentary, ensure compliance with Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This set deals with specialized forms covering a variety of subjects.
Book (Full Set)
The accurate, up-to-date text of Missouri statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $26,669.00 |
Detailed checklists addressing expert witnesses. Discussing the selection, use, and admissibility of expert testimony, discovery, and cross-examination.
Book (Full Set)
This set is a comprehensive resource for attorneys engaged in the general practice of law in Kentucky.
Book (Full Set)
New publication that helps bring Federal Practice And Procedure to the desktop in one volume. Book (Full Set) $808.00 |
Contains hundreds of official and authored forms for every stage of civil litigation in New York. Book (Full Set) $7,008.00 |
Updates the Cumulative Supplement to the Code and contains more recent annotations from cases and collateral references. |
Provides cases from South Western Reporter, 2d in a compact format, with headnotes classified to the West Key Number System®. |
These volumes provide Texas-specific model forms for pleadings, agreements, and other legal documents. Book (Full Set) $6,454.00 |